Frequently Asked Questions
How do I order a birthday treat?
A variety of healthy snacks and drinks are available for purchase through the school. Please print out and complete the Snack List form and send it back to school at least two weeks prior to the date needed. You may pay at the time of ordering or it can be taken out of your child's lunch account. All snacks must be ordered through the cafeteria. Outside snacks are not permitted to be distributed in school
What do I do if my child is tardy?
Every minute of our school day is precious. Our school day begins promptly at 9:00. If your child arrives after 9:00 am, we ask that you walk your child to the main office to sign him/her in to school. A note must be provided to the secretary at that time.
What should I do if I need to change my child’s dismissal at the last minute?
Messages regarding a last-minute change to your child’s way of dismissal should never be left on a teacher’s voicemail. Please be certain to speak directly with the building secretary or your child’s teacher to ensure that the message is delivered in time.
What do I need to do if my child is absent?
If your son/daughter is going to be absent due to illness, you do not need to call to inform us. If requested, homework may be sent home with the student you indicated at the beginning of the year. Additionally, you may contact the office or your child’s teacher to arrange for homework to be sent home. When your child returns to school, you must send in a handwritten excuse with the reason for their absence within 3 days. A printable excuse form also is available here.
What is the process for early dismissal?
We understand that there may be a rare occasion in which you need to take your child from school before our day ends. On the day of the dismissal, please send in a note that states the teacher’s name, the time of dismissal, and the reason for the dismissal. Arrive at the school at that time and the child will be called down to the office. Early dismissals, other than parent pick-up at 3:15, must be completed by 3:00. This will allow you to exit the facility prior to the arrival of parent pick-up cars.
What is the process for parent pick-up?
There may be a time when you need to pick up your child at the regular dismissal time, instead of having him/her ride home on their regular bus. Please send in a note stating that you would like your child to be added to the parent pick-up list for that day. If your child is to be picked up on a regular basis, please send in one note stating the days of the week to be picked up. Their teacher will put their names on their dismissal list. If you then need to remove them from the list you must send in a note to the teacher stating that. You will wait in your car in the parent pickup line located in front of the school, arriving no later than 3:15 on a regular dismissal day. Children will be dismissed and monitored while walking to their cars. No cars move until all children are safely in their cars.
How do I put money into my child’s lunch account?
You have two choices. You can send a check made out to "PTSD" in an envelope marked with your child’s name and SNAP ID number. It will be added to your account that day.
You can use the online payment system,
Can my child ride another child’s bus?
We understand that there may be a rare occasion where your child’s after-school care necessitates a change in dismissal routine. In these rare instances, a written note explaining the situation and which bus you are requesting your child be permitted to ride must be submitted to the office at least one day in advance. Decisions about temporary bus changes are made according to bus capacity issues.
How do I contact the bus company?
First Student - (724) 863-1185
How do I find out if our school has a delay or cancellation?
Our school district utilizes a ConnectEd automated phone system. You will set up a contact phone number with your school. The district will put out an automated call announcing school delays and/or cancellations. School delays and cancellations also are announced on the local television stations and on our website.