STEM Activity Blends History and Science

In a February Social Studies and Science STEM lesson at Harrison Park Elementary, Mrs. Leydig’s third-grade students learned about Mae Jemison, the first African American female astronaut, and reviewed how to overcome gravity. Finally, they experimented with making straw rockets using straws, tape, and paper and then measuring how high their rockets traveled.


Emsley Dennison and Arabella Hickman assemble their rockets

Emsley Dennison and Arabella Hickman assemble their rockets


Kaden Henkel, Cruz Kamensky, and Jackson Saunders

Kaden Henkel, Cruz Kamensky, and Jackson Saunders


Miles Hoffman blows a big breath through the straw while Robert Thomas and Ian Karas measure how high the rocket soars

Miles Hoffman blows a big breath through the straw while Robert Thomas and Ian Karas measure how high the rocket soars


Students hold their ‘rockets’

Students hold their ‘rockets’