Raffle Incentive for Test Takers

At Harrison Park Elementary School, all students in grades 3-5 worked hard before and during PSSA testing.  As a reward for having a positive attitude and using proper test-taking strategies, students earned tickets to use during a May 15th raffle.  Teachers, staff, and parents worked together to make over fifty baskets. Staff also organized many different “experience” prizes that students could win such as Wiffle Ball, Cornhole, lunch in the courtyard, and more.

“All of this could not have been possible without our parents, collaboration amongst our HP staff, and our principal, Mr. Swartz,” said teacher Mrs. Padezan.


Mr. Brundrett gets students’ attention prior to announcing basket winners

Mr. Brundrett gets students’ attention prior to announcing basket winners


Juliet Fait collects her prize

Juliet Fait collects her prize


Emma Martin receives a high-five on her way to claim a prize

Emma Martin receives a high-five on her way to claim a prize


Tristan Casper jubilantly goes to collect his prize

Tristan Casper jubilantly goes to collect his prize


Giovanni Davis excitedly reaches for his prize

Giovanni Davis excitedly reaches for his prize


Lillia Jarzynka

Lillia Jarzynka


Nico Biskup

Nico Biskup