CLICK HERE for a message from Principal Swartz

August 2023

Dear Harrison Park Elementary students, parents, and guardians, 

On behalf of the staff, we would like to welcome everyone back for the 2023-2024 school year! At Harrison Park, we value our tradition of excellence. Our goal is to foster effective, efficient, and quality education; we want to shape our students into passionate, confident, lifelong learners who have competence and strength of character. 

Harrison Park’s staff focuses each day on providing every member of our community with a safe and positive learning environment where continued growth for student learners is our key goal.  We are a school committed to educating for excellence by empowering our students to become compassionate, confident, creative, and resourceful members of society. Our outstanding and committed staff works to ensure learning is fun, relevant, and dynamic. An important part of this work involves the key relationships with our parents and community. 

Our amazing Parent-Teacher Association sponsors many activities and events. This provides meaningful opportunities for our students, which creates an extension of the curriculum and learning. The PTO organizes activities such as our Accelerated Reader incentives, Box Tops programs, Fun Day, Crafty Shack, Book It, and Book Fairs. We firmly believe that parent involvement is necessary to ensure student success.  We value and rely upon these partnerships, as they are paramount to the success of all of our students.  Please consider joining our PTO and becoming more involved in our school community. Your presence makes a difference. In addition, if there is ever any question or concern, please feel free to contact the school. 

Please visit our photo blog as it is the easiest way for teachers to share what's happening in their classroom with their parents. We upload their photos safely to a private feed, that only parents and teachers can see, away from social media and the Internet.  Our photo blog enables our students, parents, and teachers to engage in their school community from the classroom and beyond.  Parents can receive announcements, view classroom pictures, and more. Directions to sign up will be sent home in our first Take Home Tuesday. 

Take Home Tuesday information is sent home every week, it will contain information and updates on what is going to be occurring over that week. We also post Take Home Tuesday information on our website: Our school day begins at 9:00 AM and ends at 3:30 PM. Please make every effort to have your child arrive on time each and every day of school. 

We look forward to beginning another school year with your family and working with a community that is dedicated to ensuring excellence for all students. 


Mr. Jeffrey Swartz